Monday, November 26, 2012

Intro to Vegetables and Fruits

Try this!
        If you have little kids, download the flashcard sheet below (unless you already have it off our website or with our program). With a fun and excited attitude approach your child, and introduce some of the main vegetables. Say, "This is a Tomato!" or just "Tomato, Grapes, Lettuce...". See if your child can repeat each word. After teaching the material, review the vocabulary by asking "Where is the (tomato)?" or "what is this?" (remember - your child can't fail. If they don't know the answer, tell them without an awkward silence. If they say anything, get excited! If they get it right, be like "That's right! Good job! Tomato!" if they don't say it correctly but they try, you can say, "Almost, it's a tomato." If they can't answer, just tell them the answer and see if they can repeat it.)
       Try introducing between 5 and 10 new words each time you have a session with your child. Remember to review regularly by telling them the words before asking them what it is.

       Another question you can ask is "Is this a tomato?" the answer is Yes or No. This will help you determine their level, so that you don't embarrass them.

      Have fun! It's important you have fun! Even if they don't learn any English, if they have fun trying with you, your child will be much more likely enjoy English! In the future when they have an opportunity to really learn a lot, they will be more likely to do well.
      If asking questions in English is too hard, don't let that stop you! Ask in Japanese! (in fact you probably will have to ask in Japanese sometimes, so that your child can understand what you want.)
      Set aside time to teach your child, and learn to enjoy it!
Soon you and your child may be too busy to study English together. Enjoy the time you have, while you have it!

If you have any questions, comment below.

Click on the pictures, save to your computer, and print. Use the basic sheet to introduce the vegetables and fruits to your child. Use the Teacher's Guide to help you think of questions. 

There are more downloadable teaching materials on our website! Have a look!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Value of the Person

    A key factor in teaching effectively is valuing the person. Some teachers see their students simply as an object for instruction. With Kidswow English we see each student as a person - someone with feelings, emotions, fears, talents, and abilities. We try to take into account the specialties of each student to promote a faster pace of learning. By encouraging their strengths and being aware of their weaknesses, we can help students gain confidence not only in English, but in who they are as a person.
     Value your students as people, not just as someone to teach. Ask them what they like, what they do, and what their family is like. Discover how they learn best and what they're most interested in. If you as their teacher are sincerely interested in them, they will be far more likely to be interested in you and what you teach.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

In the beginning - Listening

     Listening is the basis of every language learning experience. Although it is possible to learn a measure of a language simply by studying from a book, true proficiency comes with listening. One must spend hours of time listening. Children learn to speak after months of merely listening to those around them. Kidswow English has created 4 DVDs for the purpose of getting that invaluable listening time. Our DVDs couple listening with seeing. As students watch our DVDs, they get imput in several way, maximazing their effectiveness. In class, we are continually giving our students audible imput. Whether they respond or not, we repeat the words or sentences we are teaching multiple times to give them as much listening practice as possible. Listening is never a waste of time!

      For more information check out our website:
      If you wish to buy DVDs for yourself or to help teach English as a second language, find more information on our website under the 'Kidswow DVD' link.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


      Welcome to KidsWow's new blog! We hope that you will enjoy our posts, stories, ideas, experiences, videos, pictures, and more! We intend to share some of the numerous things we have learned during our years of teaching.
       For more information check out our website:! Enjoy!