Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lesson Ideas: Using Variety

       We use a variety of lesson styles so that we limit boredom in our classes.   If your child is finding it hard to concentrate, it may be time to switch styles.  
       Sometimes we teach with actions (like jumping, sitting, walking...), or we may play a game to boost motivation.  Sometimes we read books, sometimes we sit in chairs at a table, and other times we sit on the floor.  Having a variety of ways to teach a lesson is important.  Not only does it help the students stay interested, it also keeps the teacher from getting bored. 

        If I was teaching a child simple colors, here are 10 examples of how I could teach. 
1. Use flashcards. Say the color and have the child repeat it.
2. Use a paper with several colored squares on it and ask the child, "Where is the Blue?"
3. Point to objects in a room and name the colors.
4. Have the child search for something 'Green'. 
5. Use colored objects. Ask the child which color he wants.
6. Give the child some colored objects, ask him "What do you have?".
7. Put flashcards in a circle on the floor. Walk on the circle humming. Stop humming and say "stop!". Have the child say the color he is standing on.
8. Use UNO cards (colored numbers). Play Go Fish by asking "Do you have a yellow card?" Make pairs of cards and put them in front of you (two yellow or two greens etc.). Once someone runs out of cards, count your pairs. Whoever has more pairs is the winner!   
9. Put some colored balls in the corner of the room. Sit several meters away and tell the child, "Go get a Purple ball". Have a basket near you to collect the balls he brings back. 
10. Lay flashcards on the floor in a long line. Stand at one end of the line and have the child stand at the other. When you say 'Go!' walk towards each other saying each color. When you reach each other somewhere in the middle, Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors). Whoever loses returns to the beginning and starts over. Play until someone reaches the opposite side. 

       There are lots of ways you can teach simple English lessons. Have fun! Explore! Be creative! Teaching is all about being with your kids and using English words. It is not hard.
      More teaching materials at kidswow.com


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